November 23-25, Melbourne, Australia
Annual Web Design Conference
Eventador 2018 Conference lacus cursus porta, feugiat primis ligula risus auctor in ultrice ligula purus ipsum primis in cubilia augue vitae laoreet dolor augue in cubilia augue egestas an ipsum vitae emo integer gravida blandit augue dolor
Why Eventador?
Who Should Attend?
- Feugiat primis ligula risus auctor rhoncus in ultrice risus auctor purus pretium ligula purus ipsum
- Lorem ipsum dolor amet, aliquet molestie sed purus porta feugiat primis ultrice aene andolor massa
- Integer gravida blandit nibh vel interdum. Sed vel libero orci donec vitae enim eu iaculis
Friday – SundayNovember 23-25 2018Where
Melbourne, AustraliaPremier Business CenterDo not miss the upcoming event
Eventador Conference is egestas magna egestas magna ipsum vitae purus ipsum primis in cubilia laoreet augue luctus dolor luctus undo magna auctor volute turpis quaerat sodales sapien vitae. Donec enim ipsum porta justo integer at velna
Randon Pexon, Organizer

Our Sponsors & Partners
We wouldn't be able to host our conference without help from these amazing companies. A huge thanks to all our sponsors and partners!
Keynote Speakers
Eventador 2018 gathered the brightest minds in the tech world. Learn new skills and get insights from experts and practitioners from all around!
Conference Tickets
The Eventador Conferennce has a variety of ticket types to suit the variety of designers out there. Find out the best option for you and your team!
Early Bird Pass
$255Price excluding 20% VAT
Includes access to a full day of talks across the 3 days a lovely lunch and plenty of coffee
Book Now- Regular Seating Yes
- Unlimited Entrance Yes
- Printed Metarials Yes
- Breakout Sessions
- Day One Workshop
- One Certificate
Standard Pass
$450Price excluding 20% VAT
Includes access to a full day of talks across the 3 days a lovely lunch and plenty of coffee
Book Now- Regular Seating Yes
- Unlimited Entrance Yes
- Printed Metarials Yes
- Breakout Sessions Yes
- Day One Workshop Yes
- One Certificate
Golden Pass
$685Price excluding 20% VAT
Includes access to a full day of talks across the 3 days a lovely lunch and plenty of coffee
Book Now- Regular Seating Yes
- Unlimited Entrance Yes
- Printed Metarials Yes
- Breakout Sessions Yes
- Day One Workshop Yes
- One Certificate Yes
Groups of three or more will receive a 10% discount by using the code
group3plus. Also staff at non-proft and at educational institutions qualify for a 10% discount using the codes nonprofit and edu at check out
Conference Schedule
Below you'll find the schedule for Eventador 2018. We'll keep this page regularly updated with all new speakers and sessions, so be sure to keep checking in!
Video reviews are available now
Semper lacus cursus porta, feugiat primis in luctus ultrice tellus potenti neque
dolor primis in posuere magna augue
Donec enim ipsum porta justo integer at velna vitae auctor integer congue magna
at risus auctor purus unt pretium ligula rutrum integer
Beyond the auditorium. Best of Eventador 2017
Semper lacus cursus porta, feugiat primis in luctus ultrice tellus potenti neque
dolor primis in posuere magna augue
Donec enim ipsum porta justo integer at velna vitae auctor integer congue magna
at risus auctor purus unt pretium ligula rutrum integer
Register Now
A limited number of passes are now available for $225 ex. VAT, but for a shot time only. Register now and we'll contact you with more details when it's time to complete your registration
Our News & Articles
Semper lacus cursus porta, feugiat primis ligula risus auctor rhoncus in ultrice ligula purus ipsum primis in cubilia augue vitae laoreet augue cubilia

Conference Location
Premier Business Center is the perfect place to unlock your creativity plus the official conference hotel, all in the heart of Melbourne
Premier Business Center
121 King Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 Australia
Nemo ipsam egestas volute turpis dolores ut aliquam quaerat sodales sapien undo euismod blandit
vitae arcu. Aenean blandit non nulla at sodales mollis in eget velit aliquam quaerat sodales sapien
undo euismod blandit vitae arcu aenean. Donec enim ipsum porta justo integer
Pretium ligula rutrum integer sapien ultrice ligula luctus undo magna risus auctor in potenti
feugiat primis in ultrice ligula risus velna vitae auctor integer congue magna at risus auctor purus
Getting by a car
Semper lacus cursus porta, feugiat primis in luctus ultrice tellus potenti neque dolor primis in posuere magna nec augue ipsum primis mauris lectus laoreet feugiat primis in ligula
SecureParkingGetting by a train
Semper lacus cursus porta, feugiat primis in luctus ultrice tellus potenti neque dolor primis in posuere magna nec augue ipsum primis mauris lectus laoreet feugiat primis in ligula
National RailAdditional Details
Semper lacus cursus porta, primis in luctus ultrice tellus potenti neque dolor integer
congue magna augue iaculis viverra vitae donec augue primis in posuere magna nec augue ipsum
- Feugiat primis ligula risus auctor rhoncus in ultrice risus auctor purus pretium ligula purus ipsum
- Lorem ipsum dolor amet, aliquet molestie sed purus porta feugiat primis ultrice aene andolor massa
- Integer gravida blandit nibh vel interdum. Sed vel libero orci donec vitae enim eu iaculis
Conference Hotels
Finding a good hotel can be tricky. So here are some of our favorite hotels nearby our event location

The Metropolitan Melbourne
129 Some Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
0.9 miles to event location
+123 025 987 654

Treasure Island Hotel
129 Some Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
1.34 miles to event location
+123 025 987 654

Seaport Hotel
129 Some Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
3.1 miles to event location
+123 456 789 025

The Midtown Hotel
129 Some Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
1.3 miles to event location
+123 456 789 025